Patient Name: Logan Alexander Marcas

Date of Birth: December 15, 1970

Occupation: Co-Director of Security, SII

Original Complaint (physical): tired

Original Complaint (psychological): sudden violent eruptions of anger, sleep disturbances

Brief Summary: Mr. Logan Marcas was sent to me after he assaulted a co-worker. Logan apologized to the person he put in the hospital by his brutality, and now Logan is anxious for me to give him a psychological clean bill of health. But behind Logan's very controlled and calm demeanor, he seems to hide a very dark personality capable of extreme aggression and violence. Total number of sessions: 4.

Brief Impression: Very professional and controlled, which make the violent outbursts more surprising.

Tentative Diagnosis: Emotional repression and possible compulsive aggression disorder. Logan assaulted a co-worker. He is anxious to put the incident behind him by formally apologizing to the man he assaulted and returning to work. However, I see little actual remorse. Logan is prepared to tell me what I want to hear.

Current Medications: none

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