Patient Name: Rachel Tanner

Date of Birth: June 16, 1976

Occupation: Manicurist, Student

Original Complaint (physical): Thinning hair, bad nails, lack of ability to function.

Original Complaint (psychological): Obsessive behaviors

Brief Summary: Ms. Rachel Tanner was sent into therapy by her grandmother when it became obvious that her inherited Obsessive Compulsive Disorder was completely overwhelming her, leaving her unable to function or even tend to herself. I believe I can get to the root of Rachel's obsessions and give her back her life. Rachel is beginning to believe it too, and is beginning to explore her nascent sexuality. Total number of sessions: 19.

Brief Impression: Rachel has obsessive compulsive rituals, usually involving counting and grooming, which have significantly impaired her functioning. Obsessive behaviors may be inherited from her mother, whose death in a car accident three years ago may have triggered these behaviors in Rachel.

Tentative Diagnosis: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder possibly linked to emotional trauma.

Current Medications: 40 mg. Fluoxetine, once each morning, increased from 20 mg. on 10/16/98. 20 mg. Fluoxetine, begun 11/04/97.

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