The Company Therapist Message Board (Closed)

New Feature in Beta: A Search Engine

Posted by: pip <>
Date: Sunday, 10 August 1997, at 2:44 p.m.

We have a new feature that we're about to implement on The Company Therapist--a search engine that will enable searches across all of the site's content. I've looked at Search Voyeur on Magellan's page, so I know everyone is really going to search for "oral sex" or something, but you could also search for "depression alcohol" or "Lloyd Major" or "Zoloft" or "Mazurka steroid".

This is in Beta--not yet officially part of the site--so we'd appreciate any comments.

One warning. It's ungodly slow. Each search takes a full 2 minutes. Unfortunately, unless we go to an indexed search, I'm afraid that we're not going to be able to speed it up much.

So take a look. It can be accessed through Search_Page.html.

Update Note: Speed problem is now fixed. Searches are reasonably zippy.

Christopher Werby

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